Kolisko Conference
The Kolisko 2025 conference is being hosted at Taikura Rudolf Steiner School in Hastings, New Zealand from Friday April 11- Monday April 14.
The conference will focus on the theme of expectations and meeting the expectations we hold, often unconsciously, for ourselves, of each other, and of life. Our theme for the conference evolved through conversations with parents, teachers and health professionals about the knotty issues they are facing in their daily work environment. Our aim with the conference is to develop new and more comprehensive ways to look at our developing Self, to better understand the also changing and developing Other, and to work with the great expectations we carry.
More info HERE
Register HERE

Taruna Certificate in Rudolf Steiner Education (CRSE)
Seminar One of the CRSE at Taruna
Seminar One:
Exploring the Anthroposophical foundations of Rudolf Steiner Waldorf Education. What does it mean to be human? What/who are we educating for? Education of the whole child. Life as a journey of development.
The incarnating child, a broad overview from birth to 21, unfolding capacities, a developmentally responsive curriculum.
Steiner’s pictures of the three-fold and four-fold human being, the soul faculties of thinking, feeling and willing.
Self-development of the teacher.
Meeting the world through the senses.
Particular focus on the early childhood environment, the kindergarten years. Walking, speaking, thinking. Development of the will, the child as a sense being, the importance of play, of rhythm and of imitation. Understanding children’s drawings. Visit to a local Waldorf kindergarten.
Activities include a selection of:
Morning Circle activities, games, movement, singing, eurythmy, te reo Māori, painting, drawing, modelling, crafts, storytelling, speech, poetry, observation exercises.
More info here.

SEANZ AGM 2025 - Online
The SEANZ AGM will be held via survey during this week. AGM reports will be available the week prior and sent to all School Board Chairpersons, Kindergarten Trusts and Governance groups.

SEANZ Board Meeting
The SEANZ board meets four times a year. Twice in-person, and twice on zoom.
Waekura Meeting
Held in Te Whanganui-a-tara (Wellington) three times a year, Waekura is the early childhood working group of SEANZ.

Taruna Certificate in Rudolf Steiner Education (CRSE)
Seminar two of the CRSE at Taruna
Seminar Two:
Refreshing and building on Steiner’s picture of the human being as studied in Seminar One.
Particular focus on the Lower School child, 7-14 years. The development of feeling and imagination.
Significant developmental milestones: the nine year old, the twelve year old.
The art of pedagogy. The main lesson, the arts-based curriculum, the teacher as an artist.
From fairytale to history, teaching through story-telling, the power of narrative.
Exploring a curriculum responsive to changes in the child’s developing consciousness
The literacy journey; from a rich oral culture to writing then reading; the place of digital technology.
A window into the development of science and mathematics in the Lower School years.
Working with temperaments; the child’s and the teacher’s.
The child study; deepening observation.
The teacher’s journey; taking myself on, the pedagogical law.
Visit to Taikura Rudolf Steiner School in Hastings.
Activities include a selection of:
Morning Circle activities, games, movement, singing, eurythmy, te reo Māori, painting, drawing, form drawing, geometry, modelling, crafts, storytelling, speech, poetry, drama, observation exercises.

SEANZ Board Meeting
The SEANZ board meets four times a year. Twice in-person, and twice on zoom.
Waekura meeting
Held in Te Whanganui-a-tara (Wellington) three times a year, Waekura is the early childhood working group of SEANZ.

Diploma Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood Seminar 5
This is the fifth of six seminars held over a three year period as part of the Diploma Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood.
The New Zealand Steiner Teacher Development - Early Childhood (NZSTD - EC) programme has been specifically designed for people working in Steiner Waldorf kindergartens, early childhood centers, home-based situations, and playgroups, who would like to have a formal Steiner Waldorf qualification. However, people not fitting any of these categories are encouraged to contact the course coordinators to help find a workable solution.
For further information and/or an enrolment package, please contact the course coordinating team.

Taruna Certificate in Rudolf Steiner Education (CRSE)
Seminar three of the CRSE at Taruna
Seminar Three:
Refreshing and building on Steiner’s picture of the human being as explored in Seminars One and Two.
Particular focus on the High School years. The development of thinking and the search for truth.
Qualities of each age from 14 -18 years, curriculum themes and pedagogical approaches that address the consciousness of the emerging adult.
Planetary soul types as a window for understanding and working with adolescents.
Weaving the threads; Science, Art and Religion, the main lesson as an interdisciplinary approach.
Education in the context of our times. ‘Education towards Freedom’, what does this mean? Capacities for meeting the future.
Activities will include a selection of:
Morning Circle activities, games, movement, music, eurythmy, te reo Māori, pastel work, drawing, modelling, hard and soft crafts, outdoor classroom, storytelling, speech, poetry, drama, observation exercises.

SEANZ Board Meeting
The SEANZ board meets four times a year. Twice in-person, and twice on zoom.

Mini Conference
Coordinated by the New Zealand Steiner Teacher Diploma - Early Childhood, this mini-conference hosted by the Titirangi Steiner School and Kindergarten is open to all working with the young child, from birth to seven. Further details on the theme and speakers will be shared in due course.
Waekura Meeting
Held in Te Whanganui-a-tara (Wellington) three times a year, Waekura is the early childhood working group of SEANZ.

SEANZ Board Meeting
The SEANZ board meets four times a year. Twice in-person, and twice on zoom.

Diploma Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood Seminar 4
This is the fourth of six seminars held over a three year period as part of the Diploma Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood.
The New Zealand Steiner Teacher Development - Early Childhood (NZSTD - EC) programme has been specifically designed for people working in Steiner Waldorf kindergartens, early childhood centers, home-based situations, and playgroups, who would like to have a formal Steiner Waldorf qualification. However, people not fitting any of these categories are encouraged to contact the course coordinators to help find a workable solution.
For further information and/or an enrolment package, please contact the course coordinating team.

A 1-day Seminar for School Leaders: Leading For Change
Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School Community Hall
5 Helios Place, Titirangi, 0604 NZ
The last few years have brought unprecedented challenges to Waldorf/Steiner schools, especially to our teachers and administrators. Layered over long-standing issues of low pay, long hours, concerned parents, and shared governance, schools have had to navigate the aftermath of covid while working with new financial constraints, to name but a few issues.
At the cross-roads of these pressing issues, how can school leaders lead with purpose?
Speaking in New Zealand for the first time, Dr Torin Finser will share the work he has been doing as Program Director of the Waldorf Low-residency Educational Leadership Program,who will share some samplings of the topics covered in the WLP such as group dynamics, role clarity, communication, conflict resolution, navigating change efforts, and collaborative leadership, among other topics.
“…we need to share our questions, discuss them with open-mindedness, and find the common language to help us work together more productively. Each of us has a part to play. Any adult who takes responsibility for a task is a leader. Our schools need servant leadership as never before.” – Torin Finser
The Seminar will be supported by two 40-minute social eurythmy sessions to frame the day. This will be led by Simone Hamblett, a Eurythmy teacher and therapist based in Christchurch. Simone also teaches at the Rudolf Steiner School in Christchurch.
Click here to: Register your interest to attend the 1-day Seminar
This event is sponsored by some members of our school community, so attendance fees will be waived for TRSS school staff and parents. Public attendance fees are subsidised at $75 per person/$50 pp for 2 or 3 from the same school. Please indicate your interest via the registration form as soon as possible as we expect places to fill up fast. We look forward to hosting you all!

Lazure Painting Workshop with Charles Andrade
Lazure Painting workshops offer a unique social art form opportunity to its participants as they come together as a team to create something of lasting beauty in their shared community space. In just one weekend you will learn how to bring beautiful light filled colour to any room in your school, office or business.
January 12th - 14th 9am - 5pm $390.00
January 15th 9am - 5pm $290.00
For more information contact:
Warwick Sandler
Email: nzsandlder@gmail.com
Phone: 021 493277