Teacher Education
While Steiner Waldorf education places tamariki at the heart of its pedagogy, Steiner Waldorf educational contexts depend on kaiako (teachers) as a fulcrum for the educational process. The individual who chooses to teach in a Steiner Waldorf early childhood setting or school brings their whole self to the development of others, providing mentoring, development, and affection that sustains ākonga (learners) for life.
New Zealand Steiner Teacher Diploma - Early Childhood
A three-year part-time course for early childhood kaiako (teachers) and anyone interested in working with tamariki (children) who wish to extend their knowledge of Rudolf Steiner pedagogy as it relates to the young child, from birth to seven years.
Taruna is a home of adult learning offering courses inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner. Located in Hawkes Bay, it offers the Certificate in Rudolf Steiner Education. This is a part-time year-long foundation programme giving an overview of Steiner Waldorf education, pedagogy and curriculum. Designed to meet the needs of teachers new to Waldorf education, particularly for those working in Primary or High Schools, or for home-schooling families.
Conferences & Events
Professional and personal development is an integral aspect of working in education. Conferences and workshops are offered to deepen the education of kaiako, parents, whānau and anyone interested in learning more about the Steiner Waldorf approach to development.